Greek (Athens) alternative rockers Perfect Faith present the lyric video for the single “Pigs in the Mud“, included in the third and double album “Critical Diversity“, released on Match 2021.

““A song not to demonstrate violence but to protest against it.”

The first song release of our upcoming third and double album “Critical Diversity” is tied unfortunately to a continuous global rise of police brutality, as a sociοpolitical consequence.

​Within the last few decades, global leaders have failed to overcome major political challenges, both domestically and globally (many of which are getting bigger by diplomatic games and political choices).

​As a result, increased police force has been assigned to control people’s reactions, with things getting out of hand and violence prevailing.

All those people who cannot digest political cynicism, neither political indifference, (covering up death and war in the name of profit and power) are facing state violence, instead of getting some respect for their human sensitivity, for their “critical diversity” and cry of agony.

They are facing a punitive state for not closing their eyes and not pretending that everything is fine… For not being under the illusion that their microcosm is functional in a convenient perspective.

With this song and generally this new album, we want to shake democracy by shaking society.

To give courage to young people, to different people that never abandon their dreams!

Never stop fighting for a better world!

Besides, one of the first things we’ve learned in our lives as musicians, is that something that seems impossible, can be achieved with persistence and will!

We still believe in humanity, we still believe there’s a good side in each and every part of the society, which faces its demons. We still believe that we have to help each other, for a better world to fight for, whenever is necessary.”

“No more blood on the streets,

no more tolerance,

we want justice and peace”

LP Artwork


Once Upon a Time we were Kids


Circle of Life

Children of Yemen

The Show of Justice

Pigs in the Mud

Blood on my Shoes

Lost in Between

Salty is the Wind

Genocide of Koalas

I Feel Alive

Attractive Madness

Lack of Soul

Screams of Siberia

Waves of Trials

Virus of Love

Red Moon Daughters

The Swamp

Recorded by John Raptis.

Mixed and produced by John Raptis and George Kontogeorgos.

​Mastered by Constantine Theodorou (Analogue Revolution studios).

Sevi Panou (Sevi creative studio) contributed to graphic design.

Cover photo by Evangelos Kosmetatos.

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